Living in a city like Toronto, I'm always curious what people are cooking up in their kitchens on any given night. So when we were invited to visit Culture.licious, I was excited because I saw that the premise was various Master Cooks, home cooks like you and I, sharing their favourite dishes from their own culture. Currently they have representation from Panama, Vietnam, Kenya, Korea, Bosnia and India.
On a normal night, there will be one Master Chef cooking an appetizer, dinner and dessert with the class. We were lucky enough on our night to get three Master Chefs: Minh (Vietnam), Lizka (Panama) and Aleksandra (Bosnia). The cooking classes are run by Wendy Chung, world traveller and food lover who left the corporate world to pursue her dreams (her most recent job was as a CMA at Pepsi). You go girl!
The kitchen feels homey, warm and inviting. The food was tasty, healthy and simple - that, to me anyways, is what home cooking is all about. Our appetizer was double-fried plantains with chicken and peppers and a ketchup/mayo/mustard/Tabasco dipping sauce (the dish is called Patacones Fritos en Salsa). Main course was Lemongrass pork and beef skewers with vermicelli and traditional green onion sauce.
Dessert was apple and walnut strudel and, let me tell you, the way to roll a strudel is pretty incredible and involves a big-ass table cloth - watch our video below or click here to see how it's done!
We got to assist with certain tasks and we walked away with all the recipes. I'm all for learning more about the kitchens of the world and we're fortunate enough in Toronto to have venues like Culture.licious to help us do exactly that.
Yours in food,